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Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Programs

The Res/HTR SOPs were developed by TNMP to provide incentives to suppliers of energy services. The primary objective of these programs is to achieve cost-effective reduction in summer peak demand, winter peak demand, and annual energy consumption for TNMP’s residential and hard-to-reach customers. TNMP designed the programs to encourage electric energy efficiency improvements that go above and beyond the efficiency gains typically achieved in replacement-on-burnout projects.

Interested in becoming a Project Sponsor? Contact us for more information.

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Program Manual


The TNMP Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Programs (Res/HTR SOPs) provide incentives to participating contractors, multifamily property owners, energy service companies, nonprofits, and other organizations that install qualifying energy-efficient upgrades in existing residential homes.

Eligible projects include:

  • Insulation
  • Duct sealing
  • Smart thermostats
  • A/C tune-ups
  • Heat pump water heaters
  • Water Saving Measures (electric water heating only)
  • Heating and cooling equipment
  • Custom projects

Interested in having one of these projects installed in your home?

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Interested in becoming a Project Sponsor? Contact us for more information.


The following are eligible to participate as Project Sponsors:

  • Energy service companies
  • Local and general contractors/project aggregators
  • Not-for-profit housing or social service organizations
  • National or local companies that provide energy-related products
  • Retailers that install eligible energy-efficient products as part of this program

Please include with your application:

  • Description of your organization, measures you plan to install and what counties you plan to serve
  • List of all subcontractors and affiliates
  • Marketing plan complete with any marketing material to be used during program year
  • Proof of applicable insurance, licenses, and permits (as applicable)
  • 2025 Project Sponsor SOP Agreement.pdf

Once approved, Project Sponsors will be required to submit:


Project Sponsor Participation Process:

  1. Project Sponsors enroll and apply to participate in each program through our online program database application. Once the application is pre-approved, Project Sponsors will be scheduled for an in-person meeting with TNMP and the program administrator.
  2. Project Sponsors use the online database to determine customer and project eligibility, confirm budget availability, define and upload project specifications, calculate incentives, and submit eligible projects.
  3. The program administrator reviews all submitted projects, selects projects for on-site inspections, conducts inspections, approves payment for completed projects, and pays incentives.
