Critical care service is for customers who have medical conditions that require life-sustaining assistance from electricity-dependent equipment.
The service provides safeguards for customers to reduce the likelihood of disconnection.
How to apply
- Download the Public Utilities Commission's critical care application form (English PDF) (Spanish PDF)
- Provide the application to your physician.
- Ask your physician to:
- Complete the application
- Send the form directly to TNMP:
- Fax: 505-843-0111
- E-mail:
Your application must be submitted by a physician. We cannot accept applications submitted directly by customers.
What happens next?
TNMP will:
- Review the application
- Evaluate it for completeness
- Notify your retail provider regarding:
- Approval
- Whether designation is critical or chronic
- Send notification to you regarding approval by U.S. mail within two business days
We will notify you of:
- The date of designation
- The expiration date
- Whether you will receive a renewal notice