Central and West Texas - Ally Tello

Central and West Texas both share the small town, big community atmosphere, where you will find Ally seeking to improve and maintain lasting relationships with her communities and city officials. She continually searches for new and creative ways to provide service and support to local non-profits, school districts and first responders, as well as determine areas in which TNMP can meet community needs. Whether teaming up with a chamber of commerce, volunteering for the local Lion’s Club or serving on a board, Ally is passionate about her role that positively connects the company to those within the communities we serve. If you have a sponsorship request or have an inquiry, please email: ally.tello@tnmp.com
Gulf Coast - Darcie Valenzuela

Born and raised in Texas City, TX, Darcie is so grateful to be the Community Liaison for the Gulf Coast.
She enjoys giving back to the community that raised her; by building strong relationships with key community stakeholders, partnering with various Chambers of Commerce, and working with city officials.
If you have a sponsorship request or have an inquiry, please email: darcie.valenzuela@tnmp.com.