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Load Management Program

Earn money for reducing energy use

The TNMP Load Management Program provides incentives to non-residential customers for reducing their facilities’ electric power consumption for short periods of time each summer. Participating customers are notified at least 30 minutes before each event and can earn incentives based on verified delivery of demand savings through TNMP analysis of billing data.

Benefits of participation:
  • Your organization has the opportunity to earn substantial incentives each year.
  • Each participant decides how to reduce its energy load in response to the 30-minute notice, so you maintain control over your facility at all times.
  • There are no penalties for not achieving load reduction, so your organization assumes no financial risks.
  • Track your incentives and progress through our easy-to-use online database.

Ready to get started? Reach out to us today at (214) 222-4174 or


TNMP offers two load management programs. One for Summer and one for Winter.

  1. The Summer Load Management program runs each year from June 1 to September 30. During this period, customers should be prepared to shed load on weekdays (excluding holidays) between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Participants must commit to delivering a maximum of 18 hours of load shed spread across a maximum of five events.
    1. There will be up-to five events including one scheduled event, typically called in early June, in which customers are asked to shed load for one to two hours to demonstrate they can deliver the load reduction. And over the rest of the summer, up-to four additional load reduction events may be called. The maximum duration of any event will be four hours, and no event will extend outside the 1–7 p.m. window.
  2. The Winter Load Management program runs during winter period of December 1-February 28/29. Participants must be available to curtail up-to 24/7.
    1. There will be up-to five events including one scheduled event, typically called in early December, in which customers are asked to shed load for one to two hours to demonstrate they can deliver the load reduction. Over the rest of the winter, up-to four additional load reductions events may be called. The maximum duration of any event will be four hours.


Critical load and customers participating in other load management programs, such as ERS are ineligible. Eligibility is determined at the ESIID level. Additionally, load Curtailment that will result in negative environmental or health effects are ineligible. This restriction does not preclude the use of self-generation that is in compliance with applicable environmental and health and safety laws. TNMP prefers that Participants be capable of providing at least 100 kW of peak demand reduction at each site for which load reduction is offered into the Program. However, TNMP may accept applications including sites providing less than 100 kW of peak demand reduction in the interest of meeting its load reduction targets.

Each individual project site must be equipped with an Interval Data Recorder (IDR) or advanced meter. Customer sites not equipped with either meter may request the installation of an IDR or advanced meter at no cost.

All included project sites must be energy service companies, Retail Electric Providers (REPs), aggregation groups, and individual nonresidential customers of TNMP taking service at the distribution level, and/or be a non-profit customer or government entity, including educational institutions.


Project applications will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis. This site will be the main source of additional information about the program. TNMP administers this program through an online program tracking system.


Summer Load Management Program
Winter Load Management Program