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Most common causes:

TNMP continuously maintains its infrastructure and uses the latest technology and equipment to try to mitigate outages. Outages affecting our equipment often are caused by the following (although there are many other possible causes that aren't as likely):

  • Weather: Particularly wind and lightning.
    • Severe weather events are still among the leading causes of service interruptions. Lightning strikes and strong winds can damage equipment and topple poles and lines.
  • Wildlife: We try to prevent access, but squirrels, birds and other animals can be persistent.
  • Trees: We have an active tree-trimming program, but vegetation also can be persistent.
    • TNMP routinely trims trees to establish more clearance between our power lines and adjacent trees in the utility easement but trees and dead branches on private property may also fall or blow into our lines resulting in outages, as has been common in recent storms.
  • Vehicles: Our work can begin when first responders' work is completed.
  • Equipment issues: We routinely inspect equipment, but not all failures can be prevented.

Crews will respond:

Causes are identified by crews patrolling in the field. They then focus on gathering materials and safely making repairs to restore power.

You might not see our crews and trucks. Where they need to work to restore your power could be miles away.

When will my power be back on?

This is the most-asked question, of course.

Most, but not all, outages are restored within two hours. They can be longer, particularly after widespread thunderstorms or other heavy weather.

Our automated phone system provides our best available estimates for when power will be restored to reported outages. All estimates are subject to change.

Is this a planned outage?

Probably not, we perform a small number of planned outages.

  • With large, planned outages affecting hundreds or thousands of customers, we typically announce plans via social media, news media and coordination with local officials, including public safety agencies.
  • With planned outages affecting small numbers of customers, we typically distribute information via door-hangers, in advance, to premises that will be out.

Is this an outage ordered by ERCOT?

That's not impossible, of course, but it's unlikely. 

Controlled, rotating power outages (so-called “rolling blackouts”) have been ordered across ERCOT four times from 1989-2021, all between the months of December and April.

Controlled outages ordered by ERCOT would be expected to include public information available via news media, including established outlets in large metro areas (Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, et al).