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Preparing for Wildfire Season

Dry conditions in our state can mean an increased risk for fires, so it is important for us all to do our part to help prevent wildfires and to prepare for fire season. Here are a few tips you can follow around your homes and businesses:

  • Reduce the amount of vegetation around your home. Mow grass and weeds, thin and prune trees and shrubs, and dispose of debris.
  • Clean up dried leaves and grasses that accumulate in your yard. They could catch fire and spread quickly.
  • Be sure to clear gutters, and other places that debris may collect, like under porches and patios.
  • Keep dry leaves swept away from outdoor lighting, outlets, and power cords.
  • Keep grass and weeds growing around power poles and under power lines trimmed back.
  • If you have a pile of firewood, stack it away from your house.
  • Put together a family plan in case of an emergency and prepare for outages ahead of time by preparing an outage kit. Find more information on outage safety and preparedness here. For additional information on disaster supply kits, is a great resource.
  • Ensure that all family members in your home have the contact information of a common contact outside the area in which you live. This friend or relative can act as a focal point for your family in case you accidentally get separated.
  • Sign up for emergency alert notifications through your county or other local resource.

For additional information and tips on preparing your home for wildfire, visit the National Fire Protection Associations website.

Wildfire Mitigation

TNMP takes wildfire mitigation very seriously and we work year-round to minimize the risk of wildfires. Safety is the highest priority and we work closely with first responders and forest management agencies to prevent and respond to wildfires.

TNMP is evaluating a comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan involving Industry Best Practices with strategies addressing Vegetation Management, Inspection & Maintenance, System Protection, Design & Construction, Engineering & Tech Solutions, and Operational Practices.

TNMP has identified Hazardous Fire Areas where it will prioritize inspection and enhance maintenance activities.