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Safety grants were made available in April 2020 for qualifying nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations to promote community safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Preference was given to COVID-19 programs that address its impact on senior citizens.

Six $10,000 grants were awarded.

Thank you to all organizations that applied. 

The grants will be made by the TNMP Fund, a division of the PNM Resources Foundation, the nonprofit foundation of TNMP's parent company. No customer rate dollars are used to fund grants.

Safety grant recipients

  • Alvin Volunteer Fire Department: Purchase of personal protection equipment for firefighters and residents, including N95 masks, goggles, aprons, latex gloves and hand sanitizer.
  • Clifton Lutheran Sunset Home: Performance of otherwise-routine tasks, including grocery shopping and post office visits, for residents sheltering in place at the Rainbow Retirement Community.
  • Galveston County Food Bank: Funding home deliveries for seniors who continue to face food insecurity but who must shelter in place.
  • Montague County Carpenters Shop: Funding for meals and delivery for senior and disabled community members, plus taking temperatures and providing safety tips and information updates on the pandemic.
  • Rotary Club of Friendswood Charitable Foundation: Purchasing of meals from locally owned restaurants and delivery of them to senior citizens who are sheltering in place at home.
  • Sweeny Community Hospital Development Foundation: Providing of meals, hygiene items, sanitizer, first aid kits and activities for senior citizens.